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Whittier BooHoo - YaHOO Parade

“Way to go Whittier! It was so awesome to see our little ones feel special in a parade honoring them!” commented, Kindergarten parent Amanda Mah.  The event really was exciting and a bit sad to see them already beginning to grow into their Kindergarten shoes!

Whittier Elementary hosted their first annual inaugural “Boo-Hoo, Yahoo” parade and breakfast for kindergarteners and their parents on Monday, September 18. The parade was held inside the building, the halls were lined with all other students along with parents holding welcome to Whittier signs, cheering with pom poms, and high-fiving the kindergarteners during their parade.

After the parade, all parents of Whittier kindergarten students were invited to a light breakfast reception.  Along with breakfast, parents were offered a Boo-Hoo gift (Kleenex) or a Yahoo gift (party hat and horns). Gift options were determined if parents were sad their child is now in school or relieved/happy their child is now in school.

Parents were invited with the following poem:

Some of us are crying,

        Teary eyed and blue

        Some of us are cheering,

        "I'm glad the summer's through"

        Whatever mood you're feeling,

        Stop by and stay awhile.

        First it’s a parade and then

        Coffee and a smile.

In conclusion, Kyndall Elam, Kindergarten parent stated, “Thank you Whittier for honoring our Kindergarteners in a wonderful parade. It was so exciting to see all the love and support from everyone at the school! Cheers to the class of 2030!”

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