2024-2025 BOE Meetings
BOE vacancy resolution

In accordance with state law, the USD 465 BOE must pass a resolution declaring a BOE vacancy and conditions of filling the vacancy. WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the membership of the Board of Unified School District No. 465, Cowley County, Kansas; an WHEREAS, K.S.S. 25-2022 authorizes a Board of Education to fill such Vacancies no sooner than fifteen (15) days following the publication of notice in a newspaper having general circulation in the school district. BE IT RESOLVED, that the clerk of the Board of Education of Unified School District No. 465, Cowley County, Kansas, shall cause such notice to be published in the Courier Traveler.
1. Interested persons are invited to send a letter to the Board with a statement of interest and qualifications by January 31, 2025.

2. The Board will interview prospective candidates on February 10, 2025, at a public meeting.

3. To be eligible for appointment, a candidate must reside in this member district.

4. The appointee will serve the remainder of the unexpired term in this position.

Addressing the Board Of Education

Members of the Board of Education are interested in receiving opinions of patrons but must also accomplish the business of the meeting. Therefore, visitors who wish to speak to items on the agenda will be granted up to three minutes to address the board on pertinent matters.

If a concern has not been taken through the chain of command prior to being presented to the board, the board will refer the complaint to the superintendent for resolution. Personnel matters are not a topic for the public comment portion of any board meeting and will not, to the best of the president's ability, be allowed as a presentation topic.

Persons in the audience may express opinions on agenda items at the discretion of the board. Registering to address specific items may be done with the available request form. These guidelines have been developed to give patrons an opportunity to address the board in an orderly and constructive manner.

  • Presentations shall not exceed three (3) minutes.
  • Subject matter, other than policy issues, will be referred to the administration.
  • Comments shall be limited to issues and not refer to specific personnel.
  • Presentations must be relevant to the issue and promote the civility and dignity of the board meeting.
  • The president will manage the public forum and inform participants that the board will not engage in the discussion except for clarification.

To place items on the agenda, the patron must follow board policy and submit a request to the superintendent. The president of the board will have final approval of items to be placed on the agenda.

The Board of Education must vote to approve the agenda as presented. The president of the board will determine if the patron will be given time during public comments to address the agenda item, or if the board will go to a hearing format on that particular agenda item.

Requests to comment during the board meeting must be received by the clerk prior to the board meeting formal call to order. The board president will recognize speakers in the order the requests are received.